Saturday, September 5, 2009

And we have lift off!

I am VERY happy to announce that Liliana is now potty trained. She doesn't even have to be reminded anymore. I believe she might be able to wear her Dora panties tomorrow.

It's all about getting past the first 3 days or so and NOT giving in to the desire to put them in diapers until they go to college. Yup, just get over that hump and you're good to go.

It's so nice to have only one in diapers again!


Debbie's said...

NO gloating allowed! j/k.. I'm SO happy for you!

manda carol said...

Thanks for the encouragement. We're on day 1.5 and I'm ready to give in. After 2 poopy accidents I've just about had it. But between your post and him actually telling me tonight (once) that he had to go potty and then did it I'm going to keep at it. Can't wait until I can be done with diapers (at least for a little while).