Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Competitive Natures

My children are very competitive. There is a game to be won in whatever we do. I fully realized last night that it must be a gene passed down from both sides.

Kaylon and I have always been competitive. We race, we scare each other, we argue about who did what the best (or worst). The epitome of this relationship quirk was when we took an online IQ test. We took it one at a time. As we were waiting for the 2nd person's results, we got really tense. We both laughed out loud when the 2nd score was exactly the same as the 1st.

So last night I thought that we could apply this competitiveness to something constructive. Kaylon and I have been trying to lose weight for years. Usually it's like a seesaw with us- If I lose he gains and vice versa, not to mention 3 pregnancies. It's always within a 10-20 lb range- nothing huge, but extremely frustrating. So last night I suggested a weight loss competition: see who can lose the most weight before June 1 (bathing suit season!). We're pretty sure we're gonna go by percentage of weight loss. It's funny how changing the weight loss into a competition cured me of my sugar cravings (at least so far today). I even turned down a bite of Liliana's donut. But I figure if it makes us healthier, why not?

Well, as long as it stays a competition and doesn't turn into a war... :D

1 comment:

Debbie's said...

haha! AWESOME! I hope it works out for you! I'm a bad loser (no pun intended, although true both ways) and Fred often sheds weight without trying too hard, so I don't think that approach would work with us... but who knows- you may inspire us if you have results ;) G'luck! (I hope you win, just so you can do a victory dance... in your bathing suit... and post it on facebook :D)