Wednesday, November 5, 2008

28 weeks belly shot


Trish Olsen said...

wow look at you. You and your perfecly round belly :) I totally wish i so look like a watermelon about to explode LOL. You look beautiful :)

Luann said...

Do you know if its a boy or a girl yet?

Debbie's said...

Being the true friend that I am, I'm leaving a comment on your blog in addition to the one I left on Myspace-
You look beautiful! Stop making me look so bad! ;)

Shawna said...

Nope- we're not finding out the sex- we're going to leave the fighting-over-names until after the birth when we can limit it to 24 hours:)

LyNae in AZ said...

You are stunning! I never took prego pics myself so i'm in awe! Kicking myself for not doing the same! Love ya sis!

Destiny said...

Hey, I stumbled upon your blog, through a blog of a blog. We attended Institute together. You and Kaylon got married a little before RJ and I. Glad to know you're doing well. Congrats on the pregnancy, you look great.
-Destiny (Mitchell) Mawson