Monday, August 4, 2008


So I took the big girl bed away.

Last night as I was drifting off to sleep around 12:30, Liliana came bounding in the room as if it were morning. I let her snuggle in my bed for a minute, and then took her back to her room. She wanted to wake up Gracie, but I told her no. An hour or 2 later (I can't see the clock without my contacts) in she comes again, happily handing me a stuffed elephant and wanting to play. I again take her back to her room. This continued until probably 4:30 or so, when I just kept her in my bed. Eventually she fell asleep too, but sadly I don't sleep well with kids in my bed (always afraid I'm going to roll onto them-or that Kaylon will). She slept until 8:30 or so. And now, the crib side is back on for her nap... I just wish I would have put it on last night so she could better connect the consequence to the action...


Allison said...

Switching to a bed is sooo hard! Adam and Isabel haven't moved yet - no room for beds until we get our own house. But I am already dreading it.

Trish Olsen said...

wow poor thing. I feel for you. I am glad that i didn't have any problems with brekke. She always hated her crib so it wasn't a big thing for us. :) Good luck

Debbie's said...

eh- just chain her to the bed...*wink* Before you know it, she'll be out late "playing" (in other words "dating") and you'll be anxiously staying up, without the option of putting bars on her bed.
At least right now she still gives you snuggles in the morning :P