So I've been telling many of you about the recent emergence of Liliana's attitude. It's pretty funny to watch- although it can be taxing at times too. This morning Kaylon was getting the girls ready for church when he heard a piercing scream coming from their bedroom. He looks out in the hall and Liliana comes around the corner laughing, seemingly very amused and pleased with herself. He walks over to find out what is wrong with Grace and she cries, "Liliana said 'Bye-bye' and left me all alone!" To this Liliana starts babbling back to her, ending her comments with another "Bye-bye," to which Grace cries out in anguish again.
Can I assume that Liliana is starting to find (and push) Grace's buttons?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA thats is freakign halarious i cant stop laughing thats so funny. :)
I think it's sweet Grace didn't want Liliana to leave her. Of course, I find with my own kids it often doesn't matter what's being disagreed upon- just the fact that one wants to do (or not do) something the contrary to the other... if that made any sense.
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