Friday, July 30, 2010

Our Week in Page

Daddy's here!

Daddy's gone!

We had a whirlwind week with Kaylon after he flew in. We rented a car and drove up to Page the morning after he got in. It was great to spend time with our McInelly/Bunting family.

We spent a day on Rick's boat out on Lake Powell. We got to see Antelope Canyon and play on the "beach" (it didn't have real sand, that's why I put it in quotations).

Liliana had a traumatic experience in the pool a few weeks ago (walked off into the deep end) and so getting her into the water was like pulling teeth, but eventually we got her to forget by putting mud on daddy.

Early saturday morning I woke up to Kaylon throwing up, breathing lorbored, and shakily getting himself into the living room recliner. He had spent the last four hours in the bathroom violently sick. He asked for some IB Profen for the body aches he was feeling. I was skeptical that he could keep it down, but gave him one anyway. That's when his tongue swelled up and his breathing got really bad. I called the insurance nurse and she said to take him to the ER. After some benedryl, anti-nasuea meds, and steroid he was able to fall asleep. The doctors think it was an allergice reaction to the IB Profen. We'll have to figure that out for sure when we get home.

Kaylon decided he felt better enough to go to the family reunion that was scheduled that day in Blanding, Utah. So I drove him and Moira (the older girls had left with Grandma Elyse) almost falling asleep myself most of the way. But we arrived safely and just in time for the end of the auction. We foundo ut quickly that there was a homemade doll with a lilac colored dress that Grace had put a claim on at the beginning of the day. The family had decided to leave it to the end so that we could bid on it. We let Grace do the bidding since she was so excited. There was a little back and forth for a few bids, but I guess Grace had had enough with dollor incrememts. After some bid about $15, she excitedly yelled out, "100 dollars!" As you can imagine, this brought down the house. They let us adjust our bid back to $16 and we continued. The bidding went up to $26 (to us) and the autioneer was calling for any last bids. "$27, anyone for $27?" So Grace yells out, "Twenty- seven!" Everyone laughed again. We won the doll for $26, and Grace will be working for us for free for quite a while.

We were back in Page by Sunday evening after driving through Monument Valley. We spent some time with Kaylon's sister Lynae and her 3 girls Haley, Mekenzie, and Maddison at the house and at the marina swimming pool. And then all too soon Tuesday came and we were driving down to Queen Creek again.
And then even quicker we were having to say goodbye to Kaylon when he got on his plane wednesday at noon. Grace especially took the goodbyes hard and Liliana wanted to go on the airplane with him. I'm glad that we had the time that we did, but I miss him so much already. Less than a month though!

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