Sunday, June 13, 2010


Moira is talking a lot faster than the other two (which isn't saying a lot, but still). She can sign: please, eat, drink, all done, yes, no, and up. She says: momma, daddy, Yoda, thank you, hot, shhhhh, and Map. Yes, Map. You know from Dora. Whenever she sees the Map, she starts singing his song, "Map, map, map, map.." while bobbing her head to the beat. It's so adorable. She also dances when we play guitar hero, climbs on top of the couch, loves to look at books, and gives Eskimo kisses. She is such a fun kid to be around... until she throws a fit. Then she takes the best moves (or worst, depending on your perspective) of her sisters and combines them, creating a perfect tantrum. But her pure joy at the smallest things throughout the day erase them from your memory instantly.

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