Sorry, no political rants this year- my positions haven't changed over the past four years, so what I said then still remains the same. I will say that I can't wait for it to be over.
But I have realized this year how much I influence my children's view of politics. Which is funny because I honestly don't remember my parents ever talking about politics. I was at least in high school before I determined which side of the aisle my parents were on- and I was grateful that it was the same as mine, since it eliminated the need for a new conflict. But I digress, I'm writing about my children...
Grace is addicted to TV. She will watch whatever is on- even the news. So she watches the news with me. Four years ago she was only four and I remember even then she wanted the same candidate as me. They had a mock election in her class last month, after which she and her friends discussed politics at the lunch table! Once, recently, I had to correct her when she tried to deface a Newsweek picture of the President. I explained to her that regardless of who we want to win, that the office of the President of the United States deserves respect. I don't agree with his policies, I told her, but he is still a man who loves his family and is trying to do what he thinks is right. He is a person, and that in itself deserves respect. Hopefully she heard the bigger lesson that I was trying to teach- disagreement does not have to mean disrespect.
But I can't begrudge her what she did this morning. There was a pile of junk mail out- ready to go into recycling. She saw a familiar face on the top and got very excited. She grabbed it, as well as the one underneath it and ran them upstairs to her room. When I put Violet down for a nap, I happened to glance over to Grace's picture holder on her wall.
There are two pictures of Mitt Romney on my eight year old's wall.
I just can't hep but to laugh.