I was very disappointed at what I found. They only give out about 200 wigs a year, even though they get around 20,000 donations a week. And I understand that not all of the donations are usable, but you would think that they'd be able to make a few more wigs with the money they make from selling the unusable hair to movie sets and wig makers. In my research (which I don't have the time to quote on here, but I will find the info if you want it) it also showed the CEO getting a huge percentage of what the company makes. So I had a decision to make: donate my hair with there being a small chance of a child getting my hair and a huge chance that the sale of my hair would make someone's pockets a bit fuller, or throw my hair away.
I chose to throw it away. I was mad about the way they represented themselves and I had too much to do to go through the hassle of getting it sent off to a company that I don't trust. Wasn't worth it. And I got to cut my hair the length I wanted instead of trying to get 10 inches. Selfish? Maybe. But I see it as standing on a principle. Don't use sick kids to line your pockets.
Anyways, here's a before and after. I think I might like it better longer, but for summer in AZ... I need it short!