Monday, May 17, 2010

Sick House

So I guess Moira's puking on Saturday was more than just drinking too much fruit punch and taking in too much sun. Liliana emptied her stomach tonight, so I'm concluding that it's a bug. Could be from that kid that lost his cookies outside of tumbling class on Friday...

The saddest thing was that Liliana came down whimpering without her pants on, and so I assumed that she had had an accident (would have been the second one today). I admit I was exasperated and took her upstairs to have her clean it up. At the top of the stairs I found one of her little jackets with vomit on it (I was totally impressed that it was on a jacket and not the carpet!). Then she tried to clean it up with a towel! I felt so guilty- I told her that I would clean it up - and that she should go rest. She got sick two more times and then fell asleep in her bed- almost instantly. I hope that her stomach is empty and she can sleep this one off like Moira did Saturday night.

So if the pattern holds, Grace will get sick in 2 days, then Kaylon 2 days after that. That has me getting sick Sunday while I'm teaching about the Holy Ghost in Primary. Yipee.

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