Tuesday, March 13, 2012

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Moira...

I know I keep coming back to this child, but seriously, I am so scared for her teenage years. This morning she decided that she wasn't going to go to the gym with me. I told her that I couldn't leave her here because then the police would come and take me to jail. I asked her if that's what she wanted. I wasn't surprised when she said, "Yes," but I was taken aback that she continued her response by saying that she wanted me to miss my babies and be sad. Seriously?

I guess I should frame these comments by saying that she does show me a ton of love as well. I am her parent of choice for snuggling. She comes to me when something is wrong or when she's scared at night. When Kaylon stayed home for a day last week, he found it hilarious how we both knew our shared schedule and how she's my little buddy wherever we go. When I'm on her good side she'll give me a huge grin and say, "You're my best mommy EVER!" So I guess she's not a total psychopath...

I just wonder if I'm doing something wrong with her- is she not getting enough attention? Does she feel left out? Am I letting her be too independent? Or is she just 3 and pushing my buttons? Sigh. Just goes to show that every child is different and no matter how many kids you have, each one is training you in a different way.

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