Monday, June 23, 2014

Luca 5-9 months

So the poor boy has been neglected on the blog, so here are some shots of him since the last pictures I posted at 4 months (so sorry buddy).

5 Months

6 Months

His first flight- to Oklahoma!

7 Months

Pictures by PoultonPhotography- didn't she do a great job?!

 8 Months

hmmmm hopefully Kaylon got some on his camera that I can fill in later... 
it was a crazy month...

9 Months

Turns out he loves the outdoors and will watch the girls play for quite a while.

Luca has struggled with some strong eczema from a young age, and we're trying to get it under control.  It seems that just when we make some progress, it roars back stronger.  This has made us parent him completely differently than the girls- his scratching is so bad that we still swaddle him in order to keep his hands away from his face- if we don't, I usually find blood spatters in the morning.  He is just now starting to sleep for longer periods.  We have tons of cremes and ointments for his skin.  I fear a food allergy is partly to blame, so I will be requesting some testing this week with his new doctor. Hopefully we can get some answers.

This is my momma's boy.  Kaylon has been so busy with the job search/interviews/switch that I got to do most of his care, resulting in some major clingyness.  He is only happy with someone else if I am not in view and haven't been for at least 5 minutes.  Sweet, sometimes frustrating, but we're hoping that will change now that Kaylon is home more.  He is starting to say Mama, which I am loving.  Overall he is a very sweet boy who loves his mama, sisters, and even his daddy.  I'm so glad he is part of our family!

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