Monday, December 13, 2010

Bah Humbug!

If you are an old grumpy man who doesn't like kids, let me give you some advice- don't sit in the booth next to two kids when you have your choice of booths. And if you're an old grumpy man who likes making toddlers cry, I hope you enjoy your hereafter in hades!
And on a side note, sometimes I wish I were braver so that I could have told this man off, but I console myself with the thought that he could have been on the edge and gone postal on us had we confronted him- because seriously- who makes a 1-year old cry and doesn't apologize for it?


Shawna said...

See I wish that I didn't have that restraint! (or fear in my case.) Instead my mom and I made passive aggressive comments about him until we left...

The Kelseys said...

Congratulations on baby #4!!! That's fun that we will be having our babies about the same time.