Then this morning we got up early and got ready for family pictures. We figured it was about time to add Liliana to the mix :) Pictures went well and then we looked around the mall for a bit. Naps were then in order and some down time before the festivities began. I am ashamed to say that we never did carve pumpkins. But, on the upside, we now have more pumpkin for pies! I'm gonna try to make pumpkin pie from scratch this year. Should be fun!
Some of our new friends from Grace's school up the street hold an annual Halloween parade which we joined around 4:30. Then we went to a get together at one of their houses. Moira was losing it after awhile though, so we took off and hit the streets for some candy. Liliana really got the concept of trick or treating this year, which made it more fun. She does have an attitude, though, so at one house where no one answered the door she knocked rudely, yelled trick or treat, and when the door remained closed she blew a raspberry at it!
We now have entirely too much candy and I do not want to eat it and ruin my weight loss to this point. Oh well, maybe we'll send half of it to work with Kaylon... anyways, here are the pictures from tonight...